Michael and Jane Tobias. Michael is Vice President at Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain, Co-Founder and Board member, Jewish Records Indexing- Poland.

Darius Stola, Director of Polin Museum 2018. Professor of history at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Antony Polonsky. I learned at the conference that Antony met my grandfather Major Stanislaw Lis, in London during the 1960s

“... The future historian will have to dedicate an appropriate page to the Jewish woman in the war. She will take up an important page in Jewish history for her courage and steadfastness. By her merit, thousands of families have managed to surmount the terror of the times.” Emanuel Ringelblum

Polin Museum of the 1000 year History of Polish Jews, Warsaw.
In 2016, POLIN Museum won the title of the European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA 2016

The Ghetto Heroes Monument (pomnik Bohaterów Getta,) Warsaw.
The monument commemorates the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 during the Second World War. It is located in the area which was formerly a part of the Warsaw Ghetto, at the spot where the first armed clash of the uprising took place.

The Chief Rabbi of Poland and Mark Halpern
Mark is a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of Jewish Records Indexing – Poland.

Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Shudrich and Max Polonovski; General Curator of Jewish Heritage for the French Ministry of Culture.

Max Polonovski and Karen Franklin, Director of Family History at Leo Baeck Institute, Vice President of the Obermayer German-Jewish History Awards

Dr Neville Lamdan, Former Israel Ambassador to the U.N in Geneva. Director of the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy.

Left to right- Irene Senderska-Rzonca, Jozef Walaszczyk, Anna Stupnicka-Bando. Righteous Among the Nations.

Left to right: Josh Magid, Robinn Magid, Chief Rabbi Michael Shudrich, IAJGS President, Ken Bravo, Mark Halpern

Footbridge of Memory. The former site of the Ghetto footbridge constructed over ul. Chłodna to connect the large and small Ghettos.

The Umschlagplatz Monument. Located in Warsaw at Stawki Street, in the former loading yard, where from 1942 to 1943 Germans transported over 300 thousand Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to the death camp in Treblinka and other camps in the Lublin district.

The Monument to the Fallen and Murdered in the East, Warsaw. Commemorates the victims of the Soviet invasion of Poland during World War II and subsequent repressions.

Little Insurrectionist (Mały Powstaniec). Statue in commemoration of the child soldiers who fought and died during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944